Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^MWorld$
Year : 1853
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. MacFarren, George AlexanderThe Unpublished Works of Mendelssohn. MWorld 31 2 8 Jan 1853 11-16
2. [anon.]Mr. Sterndale Bennett's classical soirées. MWorld 31 9 26 Feb 1853 123
3. MacFarren, George AlexanderOn the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music Publishers' Circular'). MWorld 31 9 26 Feb 1853 133-134
4. [anon.]Interesting German tale: 'Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott' (From the 'New York Musical World'). MWorld 31 10 5 Mar 1853 144-147
5. MacFarren, George AlexanderOn the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music Publishers' Circular'. Continued from page 134). MWorld 31 10 5 Mar 1853 147-149
6. MacFarren, George AlexanderOn the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music Publishers' Circular'. Continued from page 149). MWorld 31 13 26 Mar 1853 191-192
7. MacFarren, George AlexanderOn the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music Publishers' Circular'. Continued from page 192). MWorld 31 14 2 Apr 1853 207-209
8. MacFarren, George AlexanderOn the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music publishers' Circular'. Continued from page 209). MWorld 31 15 9 Apr 1853 222-224
9. MacFarren, George AlexanderOn the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music Publishers' Circular'. Concluded). MWorld 31 17 23 Apr 1853 260-261
10. [anon.]The Bach Society, Instituted 1849. MWorld 31 20 14 May 1853 313
11. [anon.]Molique's First Soiree. MWorld 31 21 21 May 1853 317-318
12. [anon.]Mr. Benedict's concert. MWorld 31 26 25 Jun 1853 401-402
13. [anon.]Wilhelmina Clauss. MWorld 31 29 16 Jul 1853 443-444
14. [anon.]Sterndale Bennett. MWorld 31 31 30 Jul 1853 477
15. MacFarren, George AlexanderMendelssohn's St. Paul. MWorld 31 31 30 Jul 1853 483-485
16. [anon.]Mont Blanc. MWorld 31 33 13 Aug 1853 507-508
17. [anon.]The Bach Society [Annual meeting]. MWorld 31 35 27 Aug 1853 540
18. [anon.]'Adagio and Fugue,' from the Fifth Sonata for the violin solo -- By John Sebastian Bach -- With additional accompaniments for the pianoforte by Bernard Molique. Ewer and Co. MWorld 31 47 19 Nov 1853 740

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita